by Patricia Frischer

Wonderlust: Exploring the Miraculous Art of Sidney Wildesmith at the Encinitas Library and is showing (until Sept 17). Fifty years of creations by the artist Sidney Wildesmith including his work as a naturalist and showcasing his new jewelry
line and Transdimensional 3-D Art. More info:
We have this amazing natural world that surrounds us and it could be fast disappearing. No one is more dedicating to documenting our world and its wonders than Sidney Wildesmith. He has been what I call an Art Ranger, using his many skills not only as a visual artist, but as a story teller, musician, commentator, broadcaster, videographer, and all round activist. In this well displayed exhibition one is almost nostalgic for the beauty he has recorded of canyons in the mist, waterfalls and reflections in still ponds. There are grand works on a grand scale, and then there are forays into more abstracted views of the world. Even the jewelry he designs seem to take natural resources and display them to their very best advantage as if to say, save me, protect me, we are valuable and you will miss us if we disappear.
If you are interested in purchasing a work contact the artist: 760-436-8776. Sidney Wildesmith will arrange private showing at his home/studio if you want to see more work and you can be put on a mailing for future private group showings. He also offers individual nature drawing classes and painting workshops sessions for landscapes and flowers.
Sidney Wildesmith with partner Claire Slattery |
Gardens of Ink
Group Show at the SD Botanic Gardens in Encinitas curated by Tiffany Wai-Ying Beres, a scholar of contemporary and traditional Asian art. This juried exhibition runs through August 31st. Special
Lecture with Dr. Bloom August 24th. This show includes: Lisa Curry, Edna Harper, Rosemary KimBal, Portia La Touche, Marilyn Link, Stephanie Mast, Laura Pasternak, Julia Roth, Linda Schroeder, Joanne Sullivan and Joan Yin.
Nature also prevails at this charming show filled with traditional and modern Asian brush paintings. The first work by Rosemary KimBal has been created with her giant zen brush which creates a stroke with a breath. The middle work by Portia La Touche was made in one of the workshops that Rosemary KimBal conducts. The last work by Portia takes some Asian techniques and compositions and works them into her own vision of the world of weeds around us, deserving their place in our community.
Rosemary KimBal |
Portia La Touche under the tutelage of Rosemary KimBal |
Portia La Touche |