Saturday, July 30, 2011

Picked HONNA: My Precious

by Keikichi Honna

For house inspection required to refinance, my land lord asked us inmates to clean up entire house. This once in a life time effort brought some interesting find.

A pair of metal thingys I bought at a flea Market in Paris 5 or 6 years ago. Some sort of molds made of iron came along with softer metal female molds. The seller had 5 or 6 more of them - much larger, but I couldn't afford. I had no idea what they were for, nor could I understand what she was explaining about them. They were just beautiful and precious looking metal thing, I had to buy.
Do anyone know what is this?

The inspection was over without any incident, and a thank you note was left by the landlord. Our house is still in good shape.



Dear readers -

Thank you for filling up Inbox with your information, suggestion, and blatant lie.   Here are some notable response.

"Production system for fig leaves for modesty on sculptures  .... "    Prof. Cochran

Modesty is losing ground.  So it's important to have a fig leave in your heart.  Thanks for your moral lesson.

"Sure, they are part of an old tradition of hand-made objects intended to be placed in street fairs and flea markets in order to confuse people.  It's either that or tools for making gold leaf."   Prof. Wiley

Again, modesty is losing ground.  Stop making up story, Wiley sensei.

Although I had long suspected that they might be used for paper, leather, or fabric, Kevin's response (They were used to make artificial leaves (flowers, decorations, etc.) out of wax.  Commonly used to “decorate” tombs, graves etc.) in conjunction with Prof. Cochran's modesty almost convinced me otherwise.  Then, here came the answer.

"It took me a while to remember the name of the american maker of these silk presses. It is Molla. You often see them for sale missing one half. They are super popular with glassblowers as well." - William Breitbart, aka Dad

A quick internet search lead to "Artificial Flower Tool Company" and following sites with images.  Thanks Bill.

Thanks Kevin, Laura, and Prof. Bole

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