Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Flora & Fauna at Techne Art Center: Not your usual flower show

By Patricia Frischer

Ye Hongxing - detail

For those of you with bad eyesight, you might be familiar with the experience of everything being a complete blur and then, voila, your glasses bring everything into focus. I am not saying that the blur isn’t nice once in a while, but seeing every detail, every bright colored petal, every curve of every leaf, and most of all the incredible variety of textures in the world, can be mesmerizing.

The Techne Art Center exhibition was curated by Chuck Thomas, and it is really his vision that is on view here. He hand-selected 25 artists and gave each of them a whole area of their own in the space, to really shine. They represent nationalities from all over the world, but they are almost all local artist and all are members of the Oceanside Artist Alliance. Yes, the theme flora and fauna is a bit porous (a description by True Ryndes), but I found the incredible textures of the show create a flow that leads you from artist to artist.  

Ye Hongxing

Ye Hongxing

Ye Hongxing

Ye Hongxing - detail

Ye Hongxing - detail

The star of the show is Ye Hongxing  in the large central gallery. She is an internationally known artist who first showed in SD at the old Lux Institute (now the ICA) in 2014. She now lives 6 months of the year here and what a treasure to have amongst us. It is an understatement to say the works are complex. The mind reels with the details and quantity of content. The surfaces seem to be sometimes embedded with matter and sometimes collaged and flooded with clear bubbles of some sort of plastic.

But don’t rush through the gallery. Stop and smell the roses along the way. The aforementioned True Ryndes’s work is the illustration for the invite and was a big incentive for me to see the show. 

True Ryndes

Susan Osborn opens the show at the entrance to the gallery.

I was surprised by the wall of funky soft and found object wall sculptures by Vicki de Long. You can again, see Thomas’s hand in the arrangement of these objects.

The amazing set of 4 videos by Lucy Boyd-Wilson are stellar and deserve a long view….come back after you are exhausted by the visual variety and take a load off.

Lucy Boyd-Wilson - captured still from video

Lucy Boyd-Wilson - captured still from video

 Ellen Dieter delivers as always  to the theme and her giant tulip will gladden any heart.

 Ellen Dieter 

Ceramic sculpture portrait heads by Reginald Green are tribal in nature and full of surface delights.

Reginald Green 

Sylvia Fernandez

Erick Perez - just part of the large display

View from the balcony of Ye Hongxing, Erick Perez and Reginald Green

Upstairs forest of sculptures by Scott Bruckner, hangings by Oriana Poindexter, large flowers by Brenda Hope Zappitell and a selection of Megan DeRoma 

Megan DeRoma

Robin Raznick

Micki Brown

Briana Miyoko Stanley 

Briana Miyoko Stanley 

The Installation room for the gallery features Briana Miyoko Stanley who incorporated her designs into the existing light fixtures also give us a number of wall pieces that are elegant.  By the way, the light fixtures throughout the space are artworks themselves and worth a look on their own. Don’t miss the “refreshment” room which is Chuck Thomas’ own studio as his works certainly fit into the theme of this show. Artist and Curator, we will continue to watch this space and his efforts with great interest.

Other artists in the Oceanside Museum of Art Artist Alliance included in this exhibition: Jennifer Steffey, Stephen Harlow, Christine McKee, Annalise Neil, Nanette Newbry, Rhonda Anderson, Lucy Boyd-Wilson,  Lisa Croner, Gail Wagner, and Safa Salman.

Techne Art Center: Flora and Fauna
Opening reception: Saturday, September 7th. 4-7pm showing until Oct 10, 2024
Opening Days   Thursday 1-6pm Friday 1-6pm Saturday 1-6pm
1609 Ord Way, Oceanside, 92056 

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