Saturday, January 4, 2025

Foster + Partners: Architecture of Light and Space at SDMA

by Patricia Frischer

Mary Axe Building - AKA The Gherkin, London

Lord Norman Foster is a bit more well known outside of the USA and this became evident why to me in viewing the  architectural models on view at the San Diego Museum Art of Art in Balboa Park. The exhibition Foster + Partners: Architecture of Light and Space is such a fun way to get to know the work of the team that is responsible for so many innovations, especially in sustainability. The American models are very conservative compared to those in Europe and the Far and Middle east.

I know his work from the relatively new gherkin i.e. pickle shaped office building that went up not too far from the Tate Modern in London, actually called the Mary Axe. But I really loved what he did at the British Museum by completely re-conceptualizing the library there and opening up the courtyard that house it, into a light filled space that is grand but also in keeping with the existing building.

I can’t say as much for the plans for the addition to the San Diego Museum of Art. Yes, it will be an enormous extra space for art and gathering. But there is not even one nod to the architecture of Balboa Park and to the old museum building itself. It will be serviceable, but will not become a destination building. The only thing it really reflects is the rather dull Timken Museum across the courtyard from it. Our friend, Kaz Maslanka ponders, “Could there be a compromise façade to the new wing, perhaps in the older style but made with new transparent materials? Could we please ask for something a bit more innovative in style, if it is not going to relate at all to the history of park. It is a sound conservation solution, but I feel we deserve more.  

Hall of Realms, Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Glasshouse International Center for Music, Gateshead, England

Great Court, British Museum, London

Reichstag, New Parliament, Berlin

Reichstag, New Parliament, Berlin - separate larger model of dome and interior

New Wing Proposal for the San Diego Museum of Art, Balboa Park, San Diego

Large scale photo conceptualization of the entrance to the New Wing Proposal for the San Diego Museum of Art, Balboa Park, San Diego


My little video of the model. 

The San Diego Museum of Art: A New Vision with Foster + Partners is the video which shows a building that is stunning in its function.  There is also a video interview of Sir Norman Foster. And I am glad to say there is a place in the exhibition that asked for your opinion of this plans. Please do go and let your voice be heard. 

Foster + Partners: Architecture of Light and Space at SDMA

On view until April 27, 2025
Balboa Park, SD

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