Duke Windsor's Men @ Work: Blood, Sweat, & Fears
I am a big fan of the work
of Duke
Windsor. I admired his street scenes and I appreciated the new
direction he was making with his abstract works. That is why I am so pleased to
see that the best work in this current show is a combination of both styles. Windsor has always been a
master of composition that is one of his strength. In the larger work Men@Work XXVI Portrait he shows his
ability to portray a human face. Unfortunately in the smaller works the faces
betray him and the images with obscure faces let the composition shine. But the
star of the show is Patchwork showing
a worker but from above working on road repair with what looks like asphalt,
but that asphalt is a textured swath of paint that stick proud of the surface.
This technique is obviously one he mastered when working abstractly. I would
have liked to have seen more of this combination, but more importantly, more
work where he stretches himself to new heights.
Men@Work XXVI Portrait
Slow down, Big Guy
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