Sunday, December 14, 2014

Colter Jacobson and Rita Mabride: Opera Ambulate

It is the time of the year for bonuses and we were given a real treat when on Dec 5 we attended the double show at The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego of Colter Jacobson and Rita McBride.  Not only was the work great, but we had real live, up close and personal opera singers performing in and about the works of art. 

Ópera Ambulate, a production of the Centro Cultural Tijuana is a group of professional musicians who create operatic interventions in venues or public spaces not necessarily related to concert music. There were asked to relate to Rita McBride’s Arena - the highly celebrated and well-travelled 4 meter by 4 meter modular tribune has hosted more than 100 artists, poets, writers, architects, musicians, curators, and politicians since its inception in 1997. But instead they choose to expand and perform not just in front of the arena structure but also in McBride's grid structure, out on the patio across from the train station and in the exhibition by Colter Jacobsen: This is How We Walk on the Moon on until Feb 8, 2015.

So far from being a concert, this was more like a flash mob and there is nothing more special than being inches away from an opera voice which is able to raise the hairs on your neck and give you goose bumps. Seeing the expressions on the faces of the public who were not in the museum, but boarding the train, was priceless. 


Mr. Jacobsen travelled by foot and train along the west coast and these are photos of found object stains.

Here we see on the left a drawing by Jacobsen made from a photo and on the right FROM MEMORY, the same photo drawn again

In this case the work on the left, the original drawing from a photo, is very much enhance in contrast in the memory drawing

Jacobsen uses an upside down image of a men with paper hat so that we see the man in reflection right side up

Rita McBride's rattan car on a polish wood raised base

Entering the McBride grid

We are watching opera singers in and above the grid

A small visitor in the area

Cecuit Opera troupe

a flash mob singer performs on the train platform

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