Sunday, August 14, 2016

Lowe and MacConnel: The Museum of Metropolitan Art at Quint Projects, plus Quint Summer Show

By Patricia Frischer
Aug 13 to Sept 24

Quint Projects is pleased to announce a collaborative installation by San Diego artists Jean Lowe and Kim MacConnel: The Museum of Metropolitan Art The installation will include wall paintings appropriated from Old Master and Impressionist artworks and a “museum” café serving cake and coffee. (5171 B Santa Fe Street, SD 92117,) Sat Aug 13 from 10 am to 1 pm or by appointment . More info: Nina Howard  858-454-3409

Jean Lowe and Kim MacConnel are two of the top local artist in San Diego. They have a raft of international exhibitions and work in major collections. So it is an enormous gift to the city of San Diego for us to see this show of works that are directly painted on the walls of the Quint Project space. Yes, directly painted on the walls! When you walk in the room you see faux shadows but a close look easily reveals that there is no canvas, no frame. Just paint and genius. This means the works on not for sale and you need to rush over by Sept 24 (by appointment only) to see this stunning show.

The pictures are deliberate copies of some of the masterpieces from the NY Met. They were chosen by the couple and each painted their own copies. With Lowe's work we see landscapes which we expect but also some figurative works, Some of MacConnel's work looks like naive versions of the originals. So in essence, you have a subject by an artist, painted by another artist not necessarily in their own style, but sometimes resulting in the style of a third artists. And the entire show will be painted out so there is an ephemeral quality to the whole concept that is delightful. 

It is not really possible in all instances to know which artist painted which work, but you are given a guide to see the title and artist of the original work. The show took about three weeks, 5 hours a day to create and was a complete collaboration by this husband and wife. See it, or you may not get a chance to remember it.

You may also like to read:

Jean Lowe and Kim MacConnel get meta with 'The Museum of Metropolitan Art' City Beat by Seth Combs

Docent tours of the exhibition include:

Saturday, August 27th at 11am
Sally Yard, PhD

Professor of Art History at University of San Diego

Saturday, September 10th at 11am
Derrick Cartwright, PhD

Director of University Galleries and Associate Professor at University of San Diego

Saturday, September 24th at 11am
Hugh Davies, PhD

David C. Copley Director at Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego and Adjunct Faculty, Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego

Jean Lowe speaking with Deanne Sabeck

Kim MacConnel with best friend

After seeing this show, we scurried over to the Quint mother ship in La Jolla to see the summer show. There is talk of this space closing, but if they could continue the collaboration with Atomic Bazaar, I would love to see them remain as a furniture shop which display top end art in a home context. The gallery was turned into little scenios, like stage sets waiting for the actors to arrive. The outstanding quality of the art on display made this delicious and not the usual decorative slick art you see in most furniture shops. Bravo to Mark Quint for continuing to offer something new and to Joseph Bellow's for loaning photographs to the show as well. 

Gisela Colon was the opening act with two fabulous orange chairs against a pink wall, it was a feat of bravado to hold the stage with her sculpture that glows and changes as you walk around it. 

Mara de Luca's painting is off set by this fiberglass lamp so perfectly

Gary Lange's  painting is the period to this wonderful purple chair.'s explanation point

Kim MacConnel brackets a study with stereo equipment. You can also hear the pictures

Photo courtesy of Joseph Bellows Gallery

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