by Patricia Frischer
Becky Guttin and her 89 year old father Rafael 'Fallo' Mareyna are a force of nature. Between the two of them they have shown in three separate gallery spaces this month in La Jolla.
The extremely impressive Tangible Memories: Recollections of La Jolla Pioneer Women curated by Danielle S. Deery on display at the La Jolla Historical Society off prospect near the MOCASD until May 19 is not to be missed. There is an impressive and educational description of each the Pioneer Women include: Louise Balmer, Mabel Bell, Florence Sawyer Bransby, Anna Held, Florence Palmer, Lilian Rice, Mary Richmond, Mary Ritter, Ellen Browning Scripps, and Virginia Scripps. Each of the following participating artists was assigned one of these ladies. This includes some of our leading local artists: Becky Guttin, Tara Centybear, Taylor Chapin, Bhavna Mehta, Lee Puffer, Bridget Rountree, Anna Stump, Cheryl Tall, Kelly Telebrico-Schnorr, and Rebecca Webb.
Ths space is open noon to 4 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday, until May 19 at Wisteria Cottage, 780 Prospect St. Free admission. Go and learn about these women, read the description and the artist's statements. You will be proud to be from San Diego.
Becky Guttin inspired by Louise Balmer who was one of the founders of La Jolla County Day School. She started teaching her own 4 children in her home. She introduced many of the modern concepts of teaching by doing. |
Becky Guttin |
Cheryl Tall inspired by Ellen Browning Scripps who was so very important as evidenced by her name on hospitals, aquariums, schools, piers and gardens was a journalist as well as a philanthropist. She wore many hats and all of Tall's studies for the final life size work are also on view. |
Cheryl Tall inspired by Ellen Browning Scripps and conquering the construction of the bustle in concrete! |
Bridget Rountree inspired by Mary Richmond Pressly who was an art activist and brought many well known artists to speak in San Diego including Robert Henri. Rountree uses Henri images in combination with historical photo to collage her art works. |
Bhavna Mehta inspired by Mabel Bell, one of the first black women to own her own home and an advocate for black housing. |
Tara Centybear inspired by Virginia Scripps who was an activist and philantrophist and half sister to Ellen Browning Scripps. Centybear paints Alessandra Moctezuma, director of the Mesa College art gallery; Dinah Poellnitz, owner of Oceanside’s Hill Street Country Club gallery; and Kara West, former director of the Central Library’s gallery who are all art activist. |
Rebecca Webb inspired by Florence Sawyer Bransby whose HIndu Vedanta practice of giving resulted in the gift of a new reading room for the La Jolla Library. |
Anna Stump inspired by the architect Lilian Rice worked with students at the Lilian Rice Elementary School to create friendship homes. |
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