Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Pacific View Art Center Opening – Lost and Found

 By Patricia Frischer

Current and past City Council members and Art Commissioners Carla Roemer, Bruce Ehlers, Joy Lyndes, Teresa Barth, Mayor Tony Kranz, Lisa Shaffer,  Kellie Shay Hinz and Arts Administer Collette Murphy.

I never saw Pacific View when it was a school which closed in 2003. For me it had always been a sad unused shell of a building, but a structure with good bones and a strong foundation and a serious mid-century vibe. As Darius Degher named in his reading… Pacific View...has been... Lost and Found. In my imagination, it is now  what the building must have looked like in its prime. Wonderful clean windows make all the rooms airy, beautiful colors and nice graphics to guide the learners to their chosen classes, shade providers, benches and landscaping that will grow and mature.

Poet Darius Degher

After many long years, countless volunteer hours, pushes by the community, non-profit arts organization, city art commissioners,  the city council, and multiple mayors (Shaffer, Barth, Blakespear, and finally Kranz), it is a relief and a joy to see the building back in all its glory. The ribbon cutting celebration was a chance for the public to view the results of all the hard work made by a team of city planners, architects (Coar Design Group), builders (Kleinfelder Construction Services and Conan Costruction) and landscape artists, not to mention the valiant efforts of the city art department staff under the direction of the city manager Pamela Weaver Antil.

Arts and Culture Commissioners (left to right)
Katy Fox
, (chair) Carla Roemer, Vicki Campbell, Niyati Kadakia, 
Jennifer Marakovits (vice chair)  posed in front of Peter Mittien's sculpture. 

Peter Mitten's Momentum

Mayor Tony Kranz

City Manager Pam Antil

Congratulations goes to Collette Murphy who now has 3 more full time staff and 4 part time staff as well as 2 part time teaching artists. Jess Roberts will now be permanently on hand at the new building, making sure everything runs smoothly. This is a soft opening with limited classes and closed on Monday and Friday. The online registration portal with class titles and detailed info is here, and information about becoming a teaching artist is here. The city offers a free arts newsletter that will include Pacific View updates; you can sign up here. Classes officially started on August 13th.

Jess Roberts, Pacific View Art Center staff

Jim Gilliam, current chair of the SD County Commission for Arts and Culture  and past art manager of Encinitas with new staffer. 

Danielle Susalla Derry, new part time staffer

Encinitas Arts Administrator Collette Murphy

But I suggest you join the mailing list of the Encinitas Friends of the Arts. This organization is responsible for publishing the Encinitas arts and culture events calendar once a week and they will start posting the classes as well.  Plus the EFA has arranged a very large grant to help scholarship students attend classes that might not be able to do so otherwise. They are working with the Boys and Girls Clubs who who will supply transportation to the venue.

A very large crowd including Naimeh Woodward, Chair, Encinitas Friends of the Arts

Marineke Vandervort, CEO Boys and Girls Club of Northwest San Diego

The mayor of Encinitas and City council accept $10,000 from the Encinitas Friends of the Art for a scholarship fund for Pacific View Art Center. 

Right now there are classes in performing arts, dance, singing, songwriting, drawing, painting, watercolor, printmaking, sculpture, writing, and sewing. We will be interested to see over the next year how the classes expand and meet demands. We hope they will develop and become unique to the community, offering diversity, cultural enrichment, and healthy opportunities. The buzz word these days is Art Prescriptions…no need for pharmaceuticals with nasty side-affects as art works to lower blood pressure, cure loneliness, rid you of depression and anxiety.   

We have some videos to show you what the 8 new rooms and office look like with some more pictures of those attending since it was a time to greet old and new friends. The media rooms are particular impressive and certainly would not have been around in 2003!

Rooms 1 and 2 are for the visual arts:

Say hello to Rosemary KimBal at the end of the video 

Ellen Speert and Irene de Watteville appear at the beginning and Lili Noden at the end of this video

Room 3 and 4 are performing arts rooms with wall to wall mirrors. 

Rooms 5 and 6 are multimedia rooms

Room 7 and 8 are both  mixed use rooms

Still intact, of old hopscotch has been preserved from the school!

The office is begging for art to be put on the walls!

My favorite part of the new color scheme is the contrasting complimentary color soffits under the overhang, each one coordinated green with red wall, purple with yellow wall and blue with orange wall.   I helped design that!  

Pacific View Art Center
380 West F Street, Encinitas CA 92024 (Between 3rd and 4th) 760-943-2160 
Starting Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 10am-3pm

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