Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego
Model and Muse: photographs by
Hendrik Kerstens
February 7 – through May 31, 2015
Article by Cathy Breslaw
Flange 2009 Pigment Print, Collection of the Museum of Photographic Arts, Gift of Gail and Ralph Bryan
Since 1995, Dutch photographer Hendrik Kerstens has been photographing
his daughter, Paula. Kerstens’s approach is a mix of painting and photography,
borrowing traditional dark background poses, the careful handling of light, and
the subtle treatment of skin from the masters of 15th century Dutch
portraiture. He blends them together with accessories including a bubble wrap
headdress, a plastic shopping bag cap, cloth napkin and towel hats, a carefully arranged aluminum foil head-cover,
and a collection of doilies stacked around Paula’s neck mimicking ‘old world’
starched collars. Reminiscent of a Johannes Vermeer portrait like the famous
“Girl With A Pearl Earring”, Kerstens’s work plays with a dialogue between
photography and early Dutch painting. His work is ‘painterly’ in its
sensibility and there is a certain air of humor in the costume-like combinations
of hats and caps he creates for Paula’s head in each image. Bordering on the ridiculous,
the accessories he uses complement the photos of Paula so much so that viewers
don’t immediately see them but are drawn more readily to the dead-pan
expressions on Paula’s face. These images are also a serious effort of a
father’s desire to document his child’s growth over time, and to maintain those
memories in the form of formal photographs. This series of large-format
unframed pigment prints express the ‘Dutch Light’ of Dutch Master paintings. They
are at once classically beautiful and at the same time cast with an
unexpected misplaced absurdity, giving Kerstens’s images an excitement and
contemporary context.
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