Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Library Dances: Lux Boreal meets Trolley Dances

by Joe Nalven

I am a fan of the dance in unusual spaces. And I was captivated again by the Trolley Dances and Lux Boreal.  

Trolley Dances is a Jean Isaacs concept and an outgrowth of her work at the San Diego Dance Theater

Lux Boreal is a melding of the ideas and work of Ángel Arámbula and Henry Torres along with dancers and choreographers Briselda Lopez, Azalea Lopez, Raul Navarro, and other dancer/teachers.

Together, Trolley Dances and Lux Boreal alternated dances at found spaces at the Chula Vista Public Library. 

I am always experimenting with my cameras, my Photoshop and whatever else that tunnels into the reality I happen to be viewing. On this occasion, I took my digital IR camera (converted Nikon D50 - outdated, but quite functional) and my Samsung ST200F point and shoot. This particular point and shoot has a wonderful app that 'paints' the image shortly after the picture is snapped.

If I were to do a series, I probably would pick from dances such as these. These are no polite moments that await the photographer with tripod; they are, instead, bubbly moments with a watchful audience inside the 'stage' on which the dancers perform - one is nearly inside the action rather than viewing it on a distant stage. 
Joe Nalven/IR photo: Trolley Dance #1 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-2913
The next dance performance by the San Diego Dance Theater will be at the Mandell Weiss Theatre at UCSD  January 17-19, 2014.

Joe Nalven/Point and Shoot App photo: Trolley Dance #1 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-2913
Of all the dances on this day, I was most intrigued by the Lux Boreal dancers being captured (in my interpretation) in the weaving of the Fates (Moirai), perhaps with Clotho as the spinner of this tale. The Library space with square cubicles held the 'newborn' that were slowly drawn out. Only one, apparently, escaped his fate.
Joe Nalven/IR photo [1]: Lux Boreal #4 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-2913

Joe Nalven/Point and Shoot App photo: Lux Boreal #4 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-2913

Joe Nalven/IR photo [2]: Lux Boreal #4 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-2913
I left the first dance by Lux Boreal for last. It was puzzling. Set against a stone and red pillar courtyard, a solitary figure told a story. I'm not sure what the story was, but then, I was taking photos (imagery). 

Joe Nalven/Point and Shoot App photo [warming up]: Lux Boreal #4 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-291
Joe Nalven/Point and Shoot App photo [1]: Lux Boreal #4 / Chula Vista Library 11-17-291
Try viewing one of several YouTube videos about Lux Boreal by Henry Torres: Danza en la Plaza Rio  or 4x4 TJ Nights/Nocturna de Danza or on Pulse TV

You can next catch Lux Boreal at its Year-end performance at:  

Lux Boreal will perform with the students of the Dance and Scenic Production Center of Baja California.

Friday 6th December 2013 

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